Friday, April 29, 2011

Una pregunta para ti--A question for you (Saturday, April 23--Day 165)

Ask yourself this one question, dear reader. Answer with your instinct--that gut feeling deep in your core that has been slowly buried beneath public education, media sources, and social cues.

How long do you really think you can continue to live your current lifestyle?

...Okay. Two questions.
If you know that you cannot continue to live this way forever, then isn't better to start making changes now? Today? This very moment?

...unless you really are just waiting to die. Not a very joyous life plan, if you ask me.

Don't be afraid. Just go for it. Feel a little. Love a lot. 'Be the change you want to see in the world.' And if you don't want to see any changes, then open your eyes and your heart. The time is now, and 'it is too late to be pessimistic.' We need a revolution. A global one and a personal one. It starts with you and it ends with you, but you are not alone.


1 comment:

  1. Well, hello there. Probably forever actually, regardless of whatever comes up. At this point, so flexible and skilled with learning most things in the food system that, I guess, "after 2012" would be the answer. :)

    Or until trauma kills me *shrug* ;) E


Well, hello there.